Medium Red Banana Plant (Musa Tropicana)

What’s the best part about the Banana Plant (Musa Tropicana)? You can put them anywhere! In a busy office, your living room, a calm bedroom, or even a spot on the shelf! The tall green leaves sit at an almost-90 degree angle from their main stem, and are mottled with merlot-colored splotches. Most of the indoor varieties of Banana plant will not produce fruit. But, if they do, the fruit is not edible.
Originally found in the humid rainforests of southeastern Asia, Banana plants love a humid environment and bright, indirect light. Too much direct sun will burn your leaves! The medium Banana plant comes in a 6” pot and, with the right care, can grow to be anywhere from 6 - 10 feet tall! The second-best thing about these plants is how easy they are to propagate! You’ll eventually see baby banana tree shoots. When those babies grow and develop a root system of their own, you can go ahead and divide them from the mother plant!