Medium Silver Dollar Plant (Eucalyptus)

Commonly known as the Silver Dollar plant, Eucalyptus is a fast-growing Australian plant widely recognized for its distinctive aroma, featuring traces of mint, menthol, honey, and citrus. The coin-shaped, silvery blue-green leaves are not only responsible for its distinct scent, but it helps explain where the name "silver dollar" comes from! Eucalyptus is an extremely popular decorative plant that freshens up any room with its cool and earthy tones.
In order to keep your Eucalyptus plant alive and healthy, keep it in a sunny spot with a well-draining soil mix. They typically prefer areas that receive anywhere from 8 to 10 hours of full sun. Place it near a south-facing window to ensure it gets plenty of light. Once your Eucalyptus has become more established, it will become slightly drought-tolerant, but new plants should be watered regularly to prevent leaves from drooping or dropping off completely.