Medium Calathea Rufibarba

The Calathea Rufibarba is a native plant of the Amazon rainforests in Brazil. Unlike the rest of the Calathea varieties, the Rufibarba leaves are long, slender, and wavy. They are light green when young, and as the plant matures, the leaves turn into a darker green with a maroon to burgundy underside. What's more is the stems and the leaves’ undersides are covered in a hair-like fuzz, earning the plant nicknames like "velvet Calathea” and “furry Calathea.” Like other Calatheas, the Rufibarba will fold up its leaves at night, and then "bloom" open to greet the sunshine, giving it the nickname “prayer plant.”
In nature, Calatheas live under the canopy of the large rainforest trees and can only get some indirect light. These plants can be finicky, so you might experiment with different spots until you can make your Calathea happy. The Rufibarba is happier with less light than too much, so if you see brown spots or crispy edges to the leaves, move it to a place with less light.
These plants like moist soil, so water when you feel that the top inch or so of the soil is dry. They love humidity, so if you do not have a humidifier, you can put pebbles in a tray and place the pot on top. Any excess water in the soil will drain into the tray and keep the roots humid without adding too much moisture to the soil.
The Rufibarba can grow up to 3 feet tall. Their growth rate is moderate, and the plant will go through a period of dormancy in winter.