Medium Calathea 'Freddie'

Also called the Rotundifolia Fasciata, this member of the prayer plant family is native to the tropical Americas. The Calathea Freddie is a delight because of the way it can change its color over time, starting off with a vibrant magenta to rich purple, depending on the light it receives. Like other Calatheas, the Freddie will fold up its leaves at night, and then "bloom" open to greet the sunshine, giving it the nickname “prayer plant.”
Calathea Freddie can handle low light, but increased light can help maintain the vivid colors and patterns on the foliage. Place the plant near a bright window, but not in the way of the direct sunlight. If you see brown spots or crispy edges to the leaves, move it to a place with less light.
These plants like moist soil, so water when you feel that the top inch or so of the soil is dry. They love humidity, so if you do not have a humidifier, you can put pebbles in a tray and place the pot on top. Any excess water in the soil will drain into the tray and keep the roots humid without adding too much moisture to the soil.
The Freddie can grow to be about 2 feet tall and wide. Propagation can be done through root division or by separating new shoots from the original pot.