Medium Bird Of Paradise

Plant parents must let the tropical Bird of Paradise into their collection. Naturally from South Africa, this tropical beauty thrives best in bright sunlight and humid temperatures but will adapt to other light and humidity conditions. The Bird of Paradise has long clumps of oval-shaped leaves that remind onlookers of a bird’s wings. As the plant ages, the massive leaves will eventually split. When the plant is in its natural habitat outdoors, it can bloom majestic, orange flowers that look like ‘birds of paradise’. Unfortunately, when grown indoors, there isn’t enough light to activate the flower bloom.
A Royal Namesake
Also known as the Strelitzia nicolai, the Bird of Paradise is a gorgeous, island plant that’s thought of as houseplant royalty. It’s so named after Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen to King George III.
The "Banana Tree"
Some people mistake the plant for a “banana tree” because of its resemblance to banana plants. The leaves are shaped and fan out much like those from banana plants. The broad, emerald foliage and naturally split leaves contribute to airflow and to its lush appearance.