Hanging String of Pearls

The String of Pearls, or if you wanted to call it by its scientific name, the Senecio rowleyanus, is native to the deserts of Southwest Africa. With its long, full, vibrant green, bead-shaped leaves, the String of Pearls will surely brighten up any space!
Being that it's from a desert/rocky environment, it thrives in average humidity, dry soil, warm temperatures, bright indirect light and will trail down 3 ft or more indoors. This makes them great to hang from a really high ceiling where they will get ample light!
Over time this plant may become leggy, but don’t be alarmed, this is just a natural occurrence in the plant's life cycle. If you want more compact growth, prune back just above where it starts to get leggy and it will promote new, compact growth. This usually happens because of a lack of light so make sure it is getting lots of bright indirect light!