Full Size Aloe Vera

Most people picture a small, windowsill cactus when we talk about aloe. But not all aloe is made the same! This tropical succulent is known for its fleshy lance-shaped leaves with jagged edges. The flesh of the aloe can be made into a gentle calming gel used on sunburns and other skin irritations.
Keep the aloe in the brightest spot you can find, but not a spot that consistently gets more than 4 hours of direct light, or else you'll burn the plant.
For an Aloe of this size, wait until the first 3-4" of soil is dry before you water. Slowly water the plant until you can see the excess draining out of the holes in the bottom of the pot. Alternatively, if you have a vessel large enough, you can give the plant a water bath and let the soil soak up all the water it needs. Be sure to completely drain the pot — too much water left in the soil for too long will create root rot.
Given the right growing conditions, spiky flowers will appear on the end of stalks in shades of yellow, red, or orange. Aloes grow FAST and will reach their mature size in three to four years, all the while producing pups that can be repotted or given as gifts!