Is Your Office Commute-Worthy?

Indoor plants in the office contributes to an exponential increase in productivity, creativity, and attention to detail. Plants in the workplace produce cleaner air, reducing CO2 levels by at least 10% and increasing overall employee happiness.
Still not sure if your office needs a little sprucing up? Here are the top 5 ways office plants can help invigorate employees:
1. Spark creativity & productivity
All work and no play can push indoor office employees to develop mental fatigue and negative emotions toward their environment. Studies show that adding indoor plants to an office promotes a plant-induced “restoration” feeling in employees, invoking positive emotions and leading to a 15% increase in productivity! A 2010 study from the New University of Technology in Sydney found a significant reduction in stress among workers after the introduction of plants: 38% of workers reported a reduction in fatigue, while another 37% reported a fall in anxiety and tension. Plants have a calming effect, which helps an individual consider the surrounding stimuli with intrigue as opposed to negatively responding.
2. Make the office their happy place
The air indoors, especially in New York City, is much more polluted than the air indoors due to more pollutants emitted from office furniture and furnishings, the paint on the walls, and whatever various solvents are being used to clean the office itself. Indoor air pollution can induce Sick-Building-Syndrome (SBS) in employees: symptoms of coughing, wheezing, headaches, sore eyes, nose, or throat, loss of concentration and nausea. Most air conditioners filter out dust particulates from the incoming air, but the machines fail to remove most gaseous pollutants in the air. International research shows that indoor plant presence can lead to a nearly 60% reduction of callouts from illness.
3. If it looks good, employees feel good.
Not only can the mere presence of a plant increase employee satisfaction, their colors can make an impact as well. In a study using English ivy, the green-yellow and bright green leaves led to increased feelings of cheerfulness and relaxation. As far as flowering plants, studies find red, pink, and white flowers lower subjects’ blood pressure and heart rate, while purple and green flowers were more effective in relaxing the body and improving moods. Healthy plants do more than just relax office workers, they give the impression that employers will take care of their employees. Most people can exist in any space, but plants are a bit more particular. Don’t make the mistake of choosing just any greenery to freshen up your office – dead plants also have a pretty significant impact on employees.
4. Bringing the "outside" in
Studies show that being in nature has been noted to significantly lower stress levels, blood pressure, anxiety, depression and anger. "When we see 'green,' the brain immediately feels soothed and relaxed," says clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manly, PhD. But not everyone has the time or resources to go forest bathing whenever they want! The next best option is to bring the outdoors in! In the immense concrete jungle that is New York City, it’s important to provide opportunities for coworkers and employees to reconnect with nature whenever they can. ‘Green’ offices have shown us that the addition of even just a few indoor plants helps to increase productivity by at least 15%, and some employees have even reported having a higher level of job satisfaction. An office with only 6 plants in it has been found to remove air toxins and reduce CO2 levels by 10% or more. People feel better when there are plants around!
5. Stir up the office pride!
Employee morale and office appearance goes hand in hand, so adding a few plants to the office is a surefire way to increase your employee's opinion of their workspace. In a Central Michigan University study, researchers found that people with more exposure to natural elements in the office were less depressed and more committed to their jobs than those with less nature around them. "Green" office spaces generate physiological responses such as increased brain activity and lower stress hormones. A Harvard University study found that the cognitive performance of workers in a green office was double that of those working in conventional environments.
All-Time Office Faves
These plants are our all-time top sellers! Chances are your office will love these too!
Dahing puts the green back into the concrete jungle.
1. We're right next door- Dahing Plants is conveniently located in the Lower East Side, so it's easy for us to visit your office for a consultation, deliver plants, and help with any questions that might arise.
2. Local fulfillment - Your plants come straight from our greenhouse in New Jersey. That's as fresh as they can get.
3. Work with a dedicated "plant guy"- Deciding which plants to put in your office can be overwhelming. To save you hours of research, we will visit your office and recommend the perfect plants for your space!
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